Repacket // Phishing Safety Net
Protect employees, even when they make mistakes
Repacket understands a website just like a human does. Legacy firewalls or cloud tools can't recognize when a page is expertly pretending to be a fake login page or payment form.
Repacket does and stops phishing attempts in their tracks.
Phishing training misses modern threats, and the point
Employees are often seen as the "weakest link" in a company's defenses, so attackers always seem them as the easiest targets. This has created a multi-billion dollar industry of training and blaming employees. And yet, nothing has changed—phishing attempts are still the easiest way in. What went wrong?
"Gotcha" makes everyone angry
Studies show that phishing training creates an "us vs them" relationship with security teams and practices.
Clicks happen
Even the best get tired, busy, or distracted. Sometimes, users might just end up clicking. Then what do you do?
Real attacks are sophisticated
Targeted attacks are well-crafted and take advantage of the newest techniques to get users to click.
Let your team click, Let Repacket handle the rest
Protection shouldn't depend on perfect behavior. When a user clicks on a dangerous link, Repacket blocks the phishing site from loading on employee devices - making it impossible for users to get pwned.
Block, warn, or allow sites with multiple layers of real-time classification
Instead of just relying on a long list of known-bad websites, Repacket uses a mix of static analysis, threat intel, and AI to deliver highly accurate classification.
Block sophisticated attacks with Intelligent detection customized to your org
Attackers love to replicate corporate login pages to fool victims. Train your custom AI what your high-value pages look like and let it get extra-paranoid.
More than just the browser. Repacket's Phishing Prevention works in native apps like Slack, Outlook, and everything else your team depends on for work.
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